Washington Monument And Reflecting Pool, Washington D.c. Important visiting information

Opening Time : 09:00 AM Closing Time : 10:00 PM
Open : Daily Closed on public holidays : No
Entery fee : $1.50 service charge per ticket Authorization : No
Contact No : +1 202-426-6839 View address & how to reach
Seasonal Feature : Winter Timings: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with the last tour beginning before 4:45 p.m.
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    Washington Monument And Reflecting Pool, Washington D.c

    More about Washington Monument And Reflecting Pool, Washington D.c and Historical Information

    The Washington Monument and reflecting poolare located in Washington, DC. Built to commemorate the first president of the United States, the monument is a must-see attraction for Washington tourists. In addition, the Washington Monument is the tallest stone structure in the world.

    The monument is architecturally interesting, made of granite and marble. Designed by architect Robert Mills in the 1840s, the Washington Monument and reflecting pool was constructed between 1848 and 1884, with construction hiatuses resulting from the Civil War and a lack of funding. Although the monument has withstood weathering, one can see a difference in the shade of marble, which reflects where construction was halted for numerous years.

    After the completion of this attraction, the Washington Monumentbecame the tallest structure in the capital. However, a recent earthquake slightly damaged the monument. In addition, the reflecting pool draws numerous visitors. Depending on one’s vantage point, a tourist can see dramatic reflections of the Washington Monument, trees, or the Lincoln Memorial.


    Image Credits: Diliff

    Washington Monument And Reflecting Pool, Washington D.c address and how to reach

    Address : Washington Monument, 2 15th Street Northwest Washington D.C., DC 20007, United States

    How To Reach: "By Train: 3.1 Miles away from Washington Union Station
    By Air: 3.9 Miles away from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport "

    Railway Address :Washington Union Station, 50 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002, USA Airport Address :Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, Arlington, VA 22202, USA


    Way from Nearest Airport Way from Nearest Railway station

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