Busch Gardens Africa (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay), Florida. Important visiting information

Opening Time : 10:00 AM Closing Time : 06:00 PM
Open : Daily Closed on public holidays : No
Entery fee : Adult: $81.99, Child: $73.99 Authorization : No
Contact No : 1-888-800-5447 View address & how to reach
Seasonal Feature : For seasonal features detail visit to the official site.
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    Busch Gardens Africa (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay), Florida

    More about Busch Gardens Africa (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay), Florida and Historical Information

    It is not easy to find theme parks with African animals with themes. Fortunately, Busch Gardens Africa is one of the few places that can satisfy such a need in Florida. When you visit this place, you will find that the artificial setup is nice and you would not mind spending your holiday in Busch Gardens Africa.

    There are a lot of machine games that you can enjoy. For example, you can have the roller coasters and there are 8 for you to choose from! You can also have 3 water rides and these are the wonderful games that teenagers would like to have.

    Busch Gardens Africa is not a very large Park. However, you will find that there are excitement and joy at almost every corner in this Park. The Park has been rated at the top 20 among all theme parks in the US so you should visit it when you are in Florida!

    Busch Gardens Africa (Busch Gardens Tampa Bay), Florida address and how to reach

    Address : Busch Gardens,10165 McKinley Dr Tampa, FL 33637, USA

    How To Reach: "By Train: 1.4 Miles away from Nairobi Train Station
    By Air: 16.1 Miles away from Tampa International Airport "

    Railway Address :Nairobi Train Station, Tampa, FL 33612, USA Airport Address :Tampa International Airport, 4100 George J Bean Pkwy, Tampa, FL 33607, USA


    Way from Nearest Airport Way from Nearest Railway station

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