Boston Children’s Museum – Birthday Parties, Boston. Important visiting information
Opening Time : 9:00 AM
Closing Time : 12:00 PM
Open : Daily
Closed on public holidays : No
Entery fee : Blue room package: $600
Authorization : No
Contact No : 6174266500
View address & how to reach
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More about Boston Children’s Museum – Birthday Parties, Boston and Historical Information
Our studios are the perfect place to celebrate your child’s special day! Birthday parties include:
A 45-minute ballet or creative movement class.
Goodie bag.
Craft activity.
The use of tables and chairs.
Boston Ballet birthday parties are held at our Norwell and Newton Studio
Boston Children’s Museum – Birthday Parties, Boston address and how to reach
How To Reach: By Train: 0.6 mile away from south Station
By Air 2.9 miles away from Boston Logan International airport
Railway Address :State, 200 Washington St, Boston, MA 02109 Airport Address :Boston Logan International Airport, Boston, MA 02128
Way from Nearest Airport Way from Nearest Railway station